MADE POS materials

the collaboration continues until today
for MADE Program University
Siracusa, Italy
what we've done:

design system for graphics
posters design
POS design
website graphics


who's done what:

what was required:
around 4-10 days for each block of work depending on the volume and deadlines, Figma, Id, Ai and Fontlab
artem khotulev
niccolò benetton, roberta esposito
the collaboration continues until today
for MADE Program University
Siracusa, Italy
Artem about the grid and layout of posters:
I have long wanted to do something for the university, because in their own words they have very old and dull graphics both on the site (which is currently updated and transferred to a new engine), and in printed materials for which we gradually began to develop a design system.

This grid is a regular one on which I usually draw posters so as not to spend a lot of time on building it, but also to have quite a lot of solutions for the graphics itself.

In this project, one single grid for A3/A2/A1 formats was used:
6 columns in width, 18 blocks in height: (pt)
Columns: 85.736 in width, 10.242 gator, 14.823 margins
Blocks: 37,847 in height, 8.086 gator in height between blocks
Such a number of blocks was made for the convenience of scaling text vectors and headlines (in order to be able to make them small enough, but readable or large enough in the joint with the rest of the graphics on the sheet)

And then we simply compose and get around 80-120 options of different posters from which the MADE Program chose a couple of those that suited the goal of new graphics.
basic grid for Body(13,69 on 15,306)
bigger grid for 15,306 x-height, Subtitle


the collaboration continues until today
for MADE Program University
Siracusa, Italy

1. Scalable text

Probably the most interesting detail is a scalable parts of text without sticking to standard proportions. In short, texts and headlines can be stretched like vectors without Shift, changing the proportions of the inscriptions as the layout requires (the benefit of the university license: it's unlimited so we can do everything we want).
At the expense of such a solution, even if only 2 words need to be written on a huge banner, they will take as much space vertically and horizontally as we need or want.
the collaboration continues until today
for MADE Program University
Siracusa, Italy

2. Colours

The second bright detail is the colours that were used for graphics and for digital designs. For these works, we made a small but echoing palette of flowers that can be mixed with each other and will turn out to be very noticeable from afar.
In the process, we decided that monotonous color solutions look quite toothless and decided to add gradients.
the collaboration continues until today
for MADE Program University
Siracusa, Italy


the collaboration continues until today
for MADE Program University
Siracusa, Italy
The brochure is built on an extended system, which I developed at the very beginning of the design process and according to which all internal graphics, posters and all other materials that the university currently produces are made.

Unfortunately, we could not throw out all the unnecessary and very voluminous information and texts that are required by the rules. Therefore, in the brochure, I decided to systematise and “clean up” all the unnecessary graphics, colours, removed 2 distracting fonts and left the only font MADE, used in the identity (I would have changed it also, but they did not let me).

Inside the brochure, everything comes from 4 master layouts for different types of pages and 2 master layouts for different font sizes (Caption for pages with photos and Body for all other pages)

I also made 5 typesetting styles, multiples of basic sizes in both types of layouts (4 lines of Caption for every 3 lines of Body, Small Title - 2 lines of Body, Large Title - 3 lines of Body(and 5 of Caption), and so on)


MADE as a "product" or "manufactured". MADE Program as Mediterranean
Arts & Design Program.

MADE is the first Academy of its kind in Italy that aims to work at the crossroads of design, art, craft and local cultural traditions, giving life to an operational platform based in the South of our country, in Siracusa, investing once again in an area too often neglected.

From its beginning, MADE Program has invested resources and energy in building strong international programs and institutional relationships. Teachers from different parts of the world, exchange programs with foreign universities, and its Summer School held exclusively in English make MADE Program a first step in a potentially limitless itinerary of professional development.
the collaboration continues until today
for MADE Program University
Siracusa, Italy