As a theoretical reference points both for each individual student and for the university itself, we took part of the university identity - an orange circle, perceiving it as the sun (we are in Sicily after all), the circularity(nothing lasts forever) and existence in between two very familiar places.
At the end of this thought process, we already got a fairly visual graphics with multiple dots, which we then physically and graphically connected in several ways:
- We put unconnected dots into one large orange circle to “rhyme” with the logo and to create multi-layered graphic element. In the future, this element can be used instead of the official Made logo: for example, for international events within the university or when the university holds workshops and classes outside Italy.
- With simple straight lines, to visually simplify the graphics and make it “linear”, from point A (the student’s hometown) to point B (Made) and vice versa.
- And with circles outline, to once again emphasise the orange logo in the identity. And also, to graphically show that even if a student came to the other end of the world, there remains a connection, when we are not at home, then mentally we all endlessly travel back and forth, and sometimes these travels are not at all in a straight line.
As a result, this graphic was placed on all POS materials (posters, banners, brochures), physical communication and objects (walls, shoppers, T-shirts, stickers), social networks and the website